Wednesday, March 31, 2004


I'm sure that I really shouldn't be talking about work on my blog, for fear of Wal-Mart men in suits tracking me down and beating the crap out of me with baseball bats, but meh...I have enough rage that I could give them a run for their money. Anyway, I really need to start going to school. I have days where I just don't feel like going, so I don't, but I know that I'm missing a lot, and I am paying for it, AND it's the last week. FUCK, what's wrong with me. Anyway, back to Wal-Mart. There are some really catty people who work there, you can just tell by the way the talk about some people. Note to self: never get on anyone's bad side. I really like working there, and I wouldn't mind working there for a while, mind you I have no intention of making a career out of this, and ending up there for more than 20 years. How could you work there for that long without going mad? That is beyond my comprehension. Although I must admit that I am slightly peeved with the mass soul sucking corporation called Wal-Mart. I really want to go to the massive party at Jenny's on Saturday, it will be like the first time I've gone to a party since the beginning of the year (yeah I know I'm pathetic, I keep a blog for god's sake, how cool is that?). Well I really want to go, but alas, I am working Saturday night, and 9am Sunday morning, leaving no time to get wasted or do anything mildly entertaining. Oh well...

If you got any of the things I said in the above post, you get a gold star! (I may or may not deliver on that promise, but more than likely not)

Monday, March 29, 2004

Random observations

Why is it that a woman has no problem asking were something is, but a middle age man refuses to accept the advice of a teenage female working in hardware. I work there, thus I must at least know where the glue is...come on, give me a break. I do know my way around the tool section.

People really need to learn how to drive. When the speed limit is 80 km/h, please go 80 km/h....NOT 50 km/h!!

I was working with my manager yesterday, learning some new stuff in regards to pricing, and we were walking down the main isle when this old lady stopped us. She was looking for an oval area rug. My manager and I proceeded to tell her that we didn't carry large oval area rugs, just the square ones. After deciding that maybe a square one wouldn't be too bad. She then had us unroll EVERY FREAKING RUG that had anything remotely close to green on it. She would then tell us that it was the wrong green...or that it didn't have enough ivory in it. When she finally picked out a rug she was satisfied with, she had us unroll it to make sure, and then she complained that it would slide across the hardwood floor. I then tried to explain how you could solve this, but god forbid she didn't want to hear it from me, or even my manager for that matter...stupid lady, I bet she brings back that damn carpet.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Note to self: Get better shoes!

Ouch...My feat hurt. I forgot how long an 8hr shift actually is...


Well I had my first shift last night, man, hopefully that job stays like that. It's soo slow. The paint machine scares the hell out of me...but it should be no problem *knock on wood* mind you it is a Saturday today, so I'm sure it will be really busy and I will have to mix lots of paint. I know that I'm going to be screwing a few cans up...but oh well it'll only be my second day. Other than that, it looks like its going to be a lot of fun and a lot of slacking to be had.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Thank You Ma!

At my university, the whole campus is located inside a big road that goes around in a circle. (Does that make any sense?) Well, this road only goes one way, but I love to watch people at cross walks. People who have been going here for 4 years, and totally understand that its a one way road, still look both way's before crossing the road. I love how people can prolly here their mother in their head telling them to look both ways before crossing the road.

On a totally unrelated note, I start work today. I'd normally be looking forward to this except that they moved me to Hardware, which I have no problem with, considering I love home improvement and all, but I have to learn how to mix the paint and all that. Now, upon further investigation, that will be fun, but the whole thing I'm scared of is that I have like and hour to learn everything with the guy who is there with me, and then I'm on my own for like 2hrs before the next guy comes on. Now, I know from personal experience and shitty luck, everyone who wants paint mixed, or has some complicated question, will come at that time. They will only come at that time because I will have no fucking Idea what the hell I'm doing. *sigh* oh well, I guess I will be using the P.A. to call the manager a lot...

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Happy dance

Guess who finally finished their god damn time! Other than that I have nothing new to say, I'm going to bed...soon
Ohh, looking at going to see a movie this weekend. Any idea's or suggestions?

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

I just want you back for good

I find it kind of funny that when I was a kid, and going through the whole "teenage angst" thing, that I had the hardest time in the world keeping a journal...of any kind. I just couldn't do it. I don't know why, and I don't think I really will. But this was something I just started on a whim, and I write in it all the time. Maybe its because I do need to express myself somehow, that and Its kinda fun to keep a journal of what's going on right now. Writing in here has made me think about maybe taking some writing classes at school next term. I mean, I have no ambition to become a professional writer or anything, I'm nowhere near funny or sarcastic enough, but writing a book one day would be a cool thing to do. Not only could I start wearing all black, hanging out in coffee shops and bookstores...I could actually call myself a "writer" with quotations and everything. Woah, why did I get all excited about that...

In case you haven't noticed, my blog is getting better all the time. I find all these neat things that I like to add, and mess around with. It's lots of fun. Sometime in the summer I think I will start a real website up. (That's after I learn enough HTML so that I won't die). I also signed up for image hosting, but first, I have no images to put up, and two, I haven't had time to figure out how to put it on here...if I even can... Anyway, that will be this weekends job...maybe.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004


I really need to read my posts before I press the Post and Publish button. That, I'm sure, would save me the hassle of having to edit my posts 30 seconds later...But then again, I'm not that motivated...

2 days til its due...

Well it's nice to know that I don't follow through with plans...I still only have 500 words...I'm DOOMED!! Oh well, I have orientation at Wally World on Thursday, and I get to miss all time favorite class...Stupid fuckers. Other than that, I played hooky and didn't go to class, I have to stop doing that. I am paying loads of money to go to school, I should actually be at school. Not staying at home sleeping and reading assorted blogs. Tomorrow. I have to go tomorrow. I've decided to pull and all nighter tonight just so that I can get tones done on this paper. Other than that, I'm trying to figure out how to add a link so that people can email me if the wish. But I will try to figure that out this weekend. I still need to go buy an HTML book for baby geeks like me, who have no idea what the hell they are doing, but really want to. I've also been toying with the idea of Linux, but have decided to leave that to another decade, or at least another family member to deal with. Damn I really need to find some good vegetarian recipe's so that I can start eating right, considering I plan to follow through with this not eating meat thing for a LONG time...

Monday, March 22, 2004

Working woman

Guess who now has a job? Yeah that's right, I am now employed. Mind you it's at Wal Mart, which is not the most exciting place to work, but it's a job, so I shouldn't complain. That and you do get a 10% discount, so I can buy a digital camera and memory for my mp3 player, and it should be cheaper. So YAY! That and I hopefully won't be so bored, now that I have a job, and my mother can now lay of my back for a while, or until she finds something new to complain about...So I go for orientation sometime this week, and I will be missing class to do so. God, I hate them already...Anyway, I still have to finish my paper, I want to have at least 1300 words done before I go to bed, *sigh* its already 11:57 and I'm tired...And only at 500 words. Man I hate it when I do this...

A need to explain...

Well, I have now officially entered the world of geekiness. How, you ask? Well this all happened after I told Bjorn that I loved Wesley Crusher...wait wait...see, I am a geek. Now let me explain before you write me off forever. At one point I loved every member of Star Trek TNG. Now, personally I won't go as far to say that I am a Trekkie, I am not that devoted to Star Trek, even though It would be kind of cool...Anyway, when I was little, watching Star Trek TNG was an affair in my family, more specifically between my dad and I. We would sit on our couch and turn the antenna until TNG would come in, and we would sit there and watch it. I have nothing but fond memories. Now, considering that Wil worked on the show from 87-90, I would have been 5 when he left, but my dad was, and is still a big fan of re-runs, so when there was nothing else on, we would either pop the tape in the VCR (we always had episodes recorded, we still do...) and we would watch it. Now Wesley Crusher was not the only person I loved on that show, and it wasn't romantic love, (come on, give me a break I was like 7...) it was more of an admiration. I wanted to be anyone who ever got to work on that bridge with Capitan Picard. Whenever I now see him in anything, I always relate him to TNG, and good memories always come flooding back. I loved each character in that series, and wanted to be each and everyone of them at one point. I think that it is more my association with watching with my dad that makes me like Star Trek so much, the same now goes for Lord of the Rings, but Star Trek came first, and that's why I will always love it, it was the time that my dad took out of his day to spend with me, even when I knew he was tired or worried, or just wanted to go to bed. He would always sit there and watch it with me, and explain parts that I didn't understand. I've never told my dad this, but I think that he knows this. If he doesn't, maybe I should sit him down and watch some TNG and tell him.

Fear, and no loathing, I'm to young to go to Las Vegas...

I don't know why, but I'm in a really good mood right now, even though I'm getting absolutely nowhere in regards to my paper. I really need to stop reading all these different blogs...But they are so interesting...I really like Wil Weaton's blog, its really personal, and in depth, everything that I am afraid to be. I've always been really afraid to cry or show my feelings, I mean I do it, and I am really prone to crying during a movie, but when it comes to reality, I have a hard time showing emotions. The funny thing was that I had the greatest career counselor ever who got me through so many of the difficult times in my life, that I am sure without her, I would have at least tried to kill my self to deal. Which I know is stupid, I was a peer counselor for almost 5 years, but that's just the way I can see myself dealing... Now there's no need to get worried, I have absolutely no plans to kill myself anytime soon, life is way to short to end it like that, man, I plan to live until I'm 100. I can so see myself going to talk to her when I'm like 30... Just because she's that good, and in a lame way, I also consider her a friend. But now that that tangent's over, back to my good mood...So my Utopia account (Utopia for all the 'cool' people out there is an online game, that's kind of like a role playing game) got moved to Battlefields, which is for the really good people, so that's scary and cool at the same time. Not to mention I'm still with the BEST kingdom ever! The guys that are there have been nothing but the best to me. Teaching me all the little things I need to know, and telling me over and over again how to do something. If anyone form Da Barons finds there way here, YOU GUYS ROCK! I love each guy I talk with, and believe it or not, they all make me feel special and welcome, not to mention that I am the only female in our kingdom. I think I will be a tad jealous when another female comes along, but that's a different post altogether, and I will have to wait and see what happens. Come to think about it, it may be nice to have some more estrogen to counter act at the maleness...

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Dear God, help us all...

In a spur of the moment decision, made about...ummm...5 seconds ago, I have decided to learn HTML. Please refrain from telling me I'm crazy or psycho, I know that already. I tend to do strange things like this all the time, so don't be too shocked. I plan on becoming more computer savvy with the help of good ol' dad, who is the biggest computer nerd ever. Come to think of it, I think he has some HTML books stashed somewhere....humm I should go dig those out and get started on that reading. So please bear with me as I may be grumpy while trying to figure out the whole HTML thingy...

UPDATE: Well I found one book, too bad its like 900 pages long...that won't take forever or anything. Maybe I'll cave in and buy HTML for dummies...Any other suggestions would be appreciated...


Alright, I'm having the worst case of writers block. I can't figure out one thing to put here. I'm also having writers block in regards to my essay... It's hard to get started, but once I do I usually do alright.
Jess is coming home for a while, that will be awesome, parties all around. How is Jess, and where was she you ask? Jessica is a highschool friend of mine who was over in England looking after little brats, and getting paid for it. She'll be home for 20 days, that I'm sure will go by quickly. But we will have fun regardless. Her homecoming is also a great chance for me to see all my other friends who now live in Nanaimo. There will be much fun had by all.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Various thoughts

Why are legwarmers coming back in style? Have we not suffered enough? Do we really need these to come back, because with legwarmers comes the horrible hair and god awful colors that NO ONE looked good in.

Why is it that you always get stuck on the bus with the insane driver, the one and only time you are already feeling ill?

Is it a bad sign when you have 3 of the 4 warning signs for Colon cancer? I thought so...

Is eating fish while on a vegetarian diet cheating? Is fish a meat? Let me know, I really want a piece of salmon.

Point to note

I just recently watched "Bowling for Columbine" by Michael Moore (yeah I know I'm slow), and I have to admit it was quite good, as well as eye opening. Personally I had no idea that Canada had upwards of 7 million guns, who would have thought? What doesn't surprise me is that there could be 7 million guns floating around here in Canada, but I have never seen one. Come to think of it, the only gun I've ever seen, were the big heavy duty guns carried by the armed guards in the Los Angeles Airport.


Why is it that I wake up on March 19th, and there is snow, when only yesterday it was nice and warm and sunny? There should not be snow so close to spring. I don't even live in a cold part of Canada. I live below the 49th parallel, there should be NO snow! Stupid Mother Nature, make up your mind, is it spring, or is it winter.

UPDATE: On my way to school I traveled through rain and some hail, and now that I am at school, its nice and sunny and warm. (I can't help it that I live on a mountain that just so happens to receive snow more than the rest of the freaking island).

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Difficult Questions...

Why is it that a company who is trying to sell a hair dye to cover up grey hair uses young models, who will have grey hair, in maybe another 20 years or so? Does that seem like false advertising to you?

Am I a horrible person for actually liking the music put out by the American and Canadian Idols? Wait...Don't answer that! I never actually watched the shows when they were on, and I have no plans to start watching either of them now, but upon inspection of the music actually put out by these artist's, I have to say, that its not too bad. I wouldn't go so far as to call it great, but they have a lot of catchy pop tunes that are great driving music.


Well the 8.75 out of 10 on the assignment takes away the sting of failing that psychology test. So that's not to bad, I can deal with that. Now I just have to do really well on the final test, and I may be able to pull off a c+. That would be an improvement over the c from last term. The Malahat is closed again...Apparently some trucks collided and there was a fuel spill and other bad things happened that won't allow me to go to school. I really don't mind this, I mean my philosophy class was cancelled anyway, but I really wanted to go to history, it would have been one of the greatest classes ever, an entire class on death in the middle ages, who can not say that wouldn't have been cool. (Wow, does that last sentence make me look sick or what?). Nothing new to report, I slept in for a while, that was nice, but now I'm off to more boring things, like cleaning my room and then starting on my massive history essay.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Reading through other peoples blogs, they always have a list of things they want... So just to continue being un-original, here's my list of things I've always wanted but have yet to received...
Sting...Anything having to do with the man, hell, I'd even settle for a concert T-shirt.
World peace...I gave up on getting that a LONG time ago.
A good book...I'm bored and want to read a novel of some kind
Help...Not that kind, but help on figuring out this blogger thing... Email me at if you want to help...
Any of the Moist or David Usher CD's...They are some mighty fine listening.
The answers to my next psychology exam...But not in test format, I don't want to feel like I'm cheating, I have standards...
Someone to write my 3000 word history essay for me...Come on, you know you want to.
An answer on my admission to Sweden, I want to know If I get to leave this place and my problems, or if I'm stuck here, crushed, and left to deal with the many issues I have.

that's about all I can think of. If anyone can get me any one of the items, I'd so love you forever.

Life filled with hopes

Why do I always avoid homework to the point that it's the night before its due, and I'm freaking out at everyone else but myself... I think I'm addicted to procrastination! On a sad note, I did indeed fail my psychology test, but that's okay, I wasn't expecting to not fail. One can only hope that I did all right on the assignment to bring my overall grade back up. *Sigh* one can only hope. It has always upset me when people do better than I do, especially people I know, like friends. I know this is such a horrible way to think, but I am always jealous. The ironic thing is that I know I could do really well if I just put the effort into the course and into learning the stuff. Hopefully when I move out I can find the best way I work, and then exploit the hell out of it and do really well. I mean, who really pays attention to your first year anyway...? Most people understand that you are going through a transition, and they usually take that into consideration...Don't they?

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Devil by my side

I have a really mundane life, I don't do a put it in perspective, the excitement in my life right now involves waiting to find out if I got accepted to Uppsala in Sweden to study for a year. My life pretty much revolves around school. (No need to tell me I'm a looser, I already am aware of that fact). Other than that, I really have no idea what to say. This is unusual for me, I always have something to say, about everything! Had a job interview yesterday, as sad as it sounds, I actually think I could learn to like working at Wal-Mart. The manager who interviewed me seemed really nice, wouldn't mind working for him. Other than that, my other job options would be going back to Burger King, and I really don't want to have to do that. I mean, it was fun for a while, but it got to be more of a hassle as I worked their for longer. I'm sure that will be the case with every job I have, but at least at Wal-Mart, I won't be dealing with bitchy people who think I screwed up their order, when it was actually them either a) not speaking clearly, or b) being f**kheads and not knowing what they wanted when they got to the counter. Don't even get me started on the people in drive-thru. It seems the really stupid people don't even to get out of their car to come and get their food. And another thing, no offence to anyone, I know I've done it, but ordering a large diet coke, and then the biggest, most disgusting burger, SUPERSIZED does not make you look weight conscious, or even smart for that matter. NO. It makes you look dumb, you know what spare yourself the heart ache (HAHA) and get either a coke, or a salad. Keep the people in drive-thru from laughing at you. Make smart food choices.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Aint it funny...

I don't know about anyone else, but there are certain songs that just want to make be burst into tears when I hear them. One of those is My Immortal by Evanessance. There is just something about her voice that is so sad. It's strange, because I can hear that song, and then the very next song will be 100 years by 5 for Fighting, and I'm suddenly filled with all this hope. It's strange what music can do to you...

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Adventures...coming soon

Well here I am, staring at the blank computer screen, listening to David Usher, and avoiding homework like the plague. Must be some kind of diversion tactic to keep my mind off the fact that I soo failed a psychology test on Friday...It was so bad, I swear you could hear my brain crying as I looked at the test. But oh well, hopefully I didn't fail by too much. We shall see. I really have nothing else to add to this post right now...OHH Crossing Jordan is back on...humm wonder what time it comes on again...I am a freak/greek/or whatever they are called these days. Just thought I'd warn you in advance.

Taking the first of twelve steps

Well, I finally took the plunge, and jumped on the blog banwagon. After reading random blogs while I should have been doing homework, I became inspired to create my own little weblog. There were two reasons for this, one, as strange as it sounds, hopfully improve my wrining skills abit (Go ahead and correct me on my usage of comma's in that last sentence). Reason number two was as simple as wanting to record what goes on in my life, and maybe become a tad more observive of the things that happen. Anyway, thats my intro as sad as it sounds.