A need to explain...
Well, I have now officially entered the world of geekiness. How, you ask? Well this all happened after I told Bjorn that I loved Wesley Crusher...wait wait...see, I am a geek. Now let me explain before you write me off forever. At one point I loved every member of Star Trek TNG. Now, personally I won't go as far to say that I am a Trekkie, I am not that devoted to Star Trek, even though It would be kind of cool...Anyway, when I was little, watching Star Trek TNG was an affair in my family, more specifically between my dad and I. We would sit on our couch and turn the antenna until TNG would come in, and we would sit there and watch it. I have nothing but fond memories. Now, considering that Wil worked on the show from 87-90, I would have been 5 when he left, but my dad was, and is still a big fan of re-runs, so when there was nothing else on, we would either pop the tape in the VCR (we always had episodes recorded, we still do...) and we would watch it. Now Wesley Crusher was not the only person I loved on that show, and it wasn't romantic love, (come on, give me a break I was like 7...) it was more of an admiration. I wanted to be anyone who ever got to work on that bridge with Capitan Picard. Whenever I now see him in anything, I always relate him to TNG, and good memories always come flooding back. I loved each character in that series, and wanted to be each and everyone of them at one point. I think that it is more my association with watching with my dad that makes me like Star Trek so much, the same now goes for Lord of the Rings, but Star Trek came first, and that's why I will always love it, it was the time that my dad took out of his day to spend with me, even when I knew he was tired or worried, or just wanted to go to bed. He would always sit there and watch it with me, and explain parts that I didn't understand. I've never told my dad this, but I think that he knows this. If he doesn't, maybe I should sit him down and watch some TNG and tell him.
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