Friday, February 25, 2005

When I want to run away I drive off in my car, but which ever way I go I come back to the place you are.

Well I signed up for a new class. It's a political science class that compares European political systems. It sounds quite interesting, and looks all right, I just don't know about the test, mind you I'm always weary when it comes to any type of test. But I'm sure it will all work out fine. It's actually a lot of fun, considering there are loads of people in the class that I either know or am an acquaintance of. So that makes it entertaining to say the least. My other class...well it's boring and hard to get motivated to do anything with it, but it does seem to be okay, and rather interesting. The prof's funny, even though I think it's unintentional.

Right now I feel rather swamped with work. It just seems like I have so much to do, school work wise, and here I am writing on my blog as a pose to actually doing anything productive. I did clean, and that's gotta count for something right? But I can solve my swamped feeling simply by doing these two papers that I have left over from Sweden and Scandinavia course. So that's my goal this weekend, well not really a goal, considering they are due on Monday. Then I have other work to do, I just need to space it all out and stop stressing. Maybe do some knitting,

I'm actually back into my knitting now. Bought some wool, not quite sure what I will make with it yet. Just looking through patterns to decide. I'm looking at a pattern for a bag that I may do, just modify it a bit more to my liking. I also got my sock kit in the mail today. It's so great. I really love the online store I bought it off of. The shipping was quick and the people were great. The wool itself is fabulous. I will have to order some more if this pair of socks goes okay. I plan on making it a bus project for when I go to Kiruna.

Yes, I'm off to the great north of Sweden. It's a trip put on by Norrlands Nation, and am quite excited about going. I really wanted to go up north well I was here and now's my chance. I even get to see reindeer. REINDEER! So I can't wait, we leave on the 10th of March, so it's not too far off. Although I am dreading the bus ride, considering it's going to be so long, but Steph is joining me, so I'm sure we can make it fun.

Sorry about the lack of updates, classes have left me somewhat frazzled. I have no idea what's going to happen when I return to Uvic in the fall. It's going to kill me, not having 5 classes has been so nice. I'm still undecided about when I should come home. I'd like to stay for May, but would like to do some Math classes that begin at the beginning of May. So I don't know. I need to do a pro and con list soon before I decide. I guess we shall see.