Sunday, February 13, 2005

In your eyes

Finally finished my paper...stupid thing. I hate not having any guidance, and this teacher really doesn't give us any. She told us to choose a topic to write about...that was it. Those were the only instructions...How in gods name am I supposed to write a coherent paper with instructions like that? So because of that, my paper really makes no sense, and I am going to make an ass out of myself when I have to present it to the class. And we have to present them, who does that anymore? I hate presenting my work...I really do. Why should I stand up in front of the class and read my paper when it was written for the teacher. Stupid presentations. Anyway, enough of that.
Yesterday I went to the national museum in Stockholm with Susanne and her friend Anna. It was interesting, although at some points it got frustrating because not all of the tags had English translations, so you had no idea what was so great about that piece of artwork. Oh well. Not a big deal. Not as nice as the Hermatige in Russia. I don't know if I'll ever be able to go to a museum that tops that museum. At last I have free time to watch all the movies I've *cough* illegally *cough* downloaded. I really need to clean my room. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll do it.