Sunday, February 20, 2005

All the roads we have to walk are winding

I've really gotten back into my knitting lately. Although I seem to be having problems casting on for some reason. I can't get it right no matter how many instructions I follow or times I try. Bah. I guess I'll have to keep trying until I get it. I'm also trying to learn how to purl, which when paired with my inability to cast on, is making it frustrating. No worries though. I'll get it. Eventually.

Start a new class tomorrow morning. It's called migrants and minorities, I have no idea how interesting it's going to be, but I guess we will see. I also really want to take a political science class, but I don't know if there will be room, or if I will be able to take it, with out it interfering with my other class. I emailed the guy in charge, so I'll have to wait to see what he says.

Not much else to talk about, mulling the idea of coming home at the end of April. I want to take some summer classes at Uvic, so if I come home in April, I can take math 100. But we shall have to see. I'll have to think about it. I don't know If I really want to leave Uppsala that early.

Watched two movies last night. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I really liked it. Once you figured out what was going on, it was a really good movie, and it was nice to see Jim Carey in a serious role. He's such a good actor, and I think this movie really proved that. I also watched Garden State. I was kinda torn on this movie. It was a good storyline. Zack Braff has shown his writing abilities, but the acting to me seemed almost forced, maybe it's because I can really only see Zack as JD. But other than that, and yes I am aware that I am one of the only people in the world who wasn't particularly fond of this movie, I still enjoyed it and though it was good, it just could have been better.

Anyway, enough of being critical. Off to organize my life!