Saturday, March 20, 2004

Dear God, help us all...

In a spur of the moment decision, made about...ummm...5 seconds ago, I have decided to learn HTML. Please refrain from telling me I'm crazy or psycho, I know that already. I tend to do strange things like this all the time, so don't be too shocked. I plan on becoming more computer savvy with the help of good ol' dad, who is the biggest computer nerd ever. Come to think of it, I think he has some HTML books stashed somewhere....humm I should go dig those out and get started on that reading. So please bear with me as I may be grumpy while trying to figure out the whole HTML thingy...

UPDATE: Well I found one book, too bad its like 900 pages long...that won't take forever or anything. Maybe I'll cave in and buy HTML for dummies...Any other suggestions would be appreciated...