Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Reading through other peoples blogs, they always have a list of things they want... So just to continue being un-original, here's my list of things I've always wanted but have yet to received...
Sting...Anything having to do with the man, hell, I'd even settle for a concert T-shirt.
World peace...I gave up on getting that a LONG time ago.
A good book...I'm bored and want to read a novel of some kind
Help...Not that kind, but help on figuring out this blogger thing... Email me at if you want to help...
Any of the Moist or David Usher CD's...They are some mighty fine listening.
The answers to my next psychology exam...But not in test format, I don't want to feel like I'm cheating, I have standards...
Someone to write my 3000 word history essay for me...Come on, you know you want to.
An answer on my admission to Sweden, I want to know If I get to leave this place and my problems, or if I'm stuck here, crushed, and left to deal with the many issues I have.

that's about all I can think of. If anyone can get me any one of the items, I'd so love you forever.