2 days til its due...
Well it's nice to know that I don't follow through with plans...I still only have 500 words...I'm DOOMED!! Oh well, I have orientation at Wally World on Thursday, and I get to miss all time favorite class...Stupid fuckers. Other than that, I played hooky and didn't go to class, I have to stop doing that. I am paying loads of money to go to school, I should actually be at school. Not staying at home sleeping and reading assorted blogs. Tomorrow. I have to go tomorrow. I've decided to pull and all nighter tonight just so that I can get tones done on this paper. Other than that, I'm trying to figure out how to add a link so that people can email me if the wish. But I will try to figure that out this weekend. I still need to go buy an HTML book for baby geeks like me, who have no idea what the hell they are doing, but really want to. I've also been toying with the idea of Linux, but have decided to leave that to another decade, or at least another family member to deal with. Damn I really need to find some good vegetarian recipe's so that I can start eating right, considering I plan to follow through with this not eating meat thing for a LONG time...
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