Saturday, May 29, 2004

When you lose control you gotta go with it...

So I passed my driving test. Yay for me. All that parallel and reverse stall parking, and I didn't even need to do it. I don't know why I was so scared. The examiner was super nice, and all the test consisted of was driving around Duncan for 45 minutes, to make sure I can drive according to the rules. I didn't pass with flying colors or anything, I did make a few mistakes, but nothing major, and I passed so that's all that matters. The only sucky thing is that now I don't have photo ID for the next week. No lottery tickets for me. *Sigh* I want a scratch and win ticket.
Work is work. What can I say. I like work, I have a lot of fun. It's inventory time, which means it's super busy and there's lots of mindless work to do. Everything has to be in its right place, and have a UPC code, and have a matching label. So it's nice because it kills the time, and it has been somewhat slow, customer wise. Other than that work is going good, heard my male boss talk about his biological clock ticking away, which I thought was kinda funny, considering he's only in his late 20's. Spilt a huge amount of paint all down the paint counter this morning. That kinda sucked. But such is life. Cleaned it up and went on with the day.
I had all intentions of going to my friend Jenny's birthday party tonight, as a matter of fact I was looking forward to it this morning, except I'm so tired. Like can't keep eyes open tired. But I know that if I go to bed now, I will be up at 3 in the morning trying to fall back asleep. I had forgotten how much work actually takes out of you. The annoying this is that it makes me so tired that I rarely want to do anything, I just want to come home and sleep. *Sigh* And I have to work tomorrow at 8:45am. I guess I better go to bed soon.
So Jenny, if you read this, I had all intentions of coming to your party tonight, but unless you want me to A) fall asleep at the wheel and drive off the road and kill myself, or B) fall asleep at your party and be boring, I can't come. So there. Now that we are both legal, we need to go to a real bar, and have real drinks, not crappy ones that we make ourselves in the kitchen.
Well, even thought its 7:00pm, it's off to bed for me. I need to kinda be awake tomorrow, considering all the bosses are in every day now, it would suck to get fired.
P.S. Still no word from Uppsala. I am really not wanting to go now, now I want to stay here and work and take some really cool classes with Dr. Hasskett this fall. But we will have to see what happens. I have a feeling that I won't be able to get a visa anyway. They only give out a certain number per year, and I think that my application will be in way to late to even be considered.
Speaking of Uppsala, I had my Tea Leaves read on Thursday, it was a birthday present from my Aunt. It's scary how accurate they actually are. But apparently I will go places with my Medieval History degree, and I shouldn't let anyone persuade me from doing what I love. I am apparently one of the few lucky ones to have found my passion for life so early on. My passion is indeed learning, and Medieval History.
Well that's all for now, maybe I'll tell you some more tomorrow, or maybe not.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

This is actually my desktop wall paper at the moment. I love how pink the flowers actually look, believe it or not, this is from our apple tree in our front yard. Hopefully we get lots of apples this year.  Posted by Hello

This is a neat picture of an Easter Lilly that I took just after, you guessed it, Easter Posted by Hello

Must learn to reverse stall park by Friday...

Just blogging right now to kill time, and avoid cleaning my room. I really don't want to clean my room...someone come do it for me. I mean it's not really that messy either...oh well. Better get to it. Then I have to go out and practice my driving. There really is no hope in hell that I am going to get rid of my N on Friday. Meh. At least I may learn something. We shall see.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Puss....In Boots

Saw Shrek 2 tonight. Overall a really funny movie. I liked it. Maybe not as good as the first, but it was really neat, the animation was awesome. The story line was cute and well thought out, and there were many references that adults will get, to make the movie interesting for them as well. I love the fact that all of the original cast returned and the new voices that were added. It is these actors who make the film as funny as it is. Over all an excellent movie I would recommend to anyone.

Monday, May 24, 2004

When you lose control you gotta go with it...

So apparently a few people I know do read my little blog. None of them admit to it, but I got a few frantic messages after this was posted. I've always made it a personal policy not to talk about any of my friends on this blog, that is to say, that I try to not say anything mean about them. This is for a few reasons. One, they may stumble upon it and that would suck, I don't always write exactly how I'm feeling, or may leave out certain things that happened, and that could get me into more trouble than it's worth. Another reason I don't say spiteful things about people on here is because, in all reality, I'd rather say it to their face, so they can see that I'm serious and how I am feeling. A computer doesn't always provide the most accurate portrayal of human emotion, and those little smiley emoticons just don't give the human face justice.
Anyway, two days off, going shopping for some new pants and such tomorrow, then off to see Shrek 2. Man I loved the first one when it came out. I can't wait to see Puss N Boots.
Well that's it for now. More later. Most likely tomorrow.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

I'm lucky.

I know it shouldn't bother me that all my friends forgot my birthday, but it does. I know that most of them are busy with school or work, but so am I, and I find the time to message people and wish them happy birthday. I begin to think at times like this that my friends don't care, and are, in essence, not really friends. Maybe this is my half awake brain talking, but it's always been like that, most people forget about my birthday, and don't remember unless someone hints them too it. It's always been like this, all through high school, obviously I don't make a lasting impression on anyone.
In happier news, my parents took me to the Casino and I had a lot of fun. I like to play the slot machines, and in my case, win $10.20. Yeah, I came out with more money then I originally started with. That was neat, but it will be hard to not make a habit of it. I can see how people can blow their life savings in one sitting. Believe me, it can be really easy, just plugging in quarter after quarter, and in some cases, even dollars. I really don't want to become like that, so going to the casino will only ever happen once in a blue moon, not to mention I don't have the money to go more than once a month.
Still no word from Uppsala, but according to the secretary in the International office, no news is good news. I can see that it may be taking a while because they also have to process my housing application and my application for an intensive language course, and they may be mailing it. Yeah that's it, it's in the mail...Is that wishful thinking?

Friday, May 21, 2004

Good times.

Well I'm finally getting my blog back to the way I want it. It's 2:30 am, my eyes are burning, I think I've done enough for one night. Everyone loves HTML...

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Stefan, here's your damn picture, kinda.

Wow, my nose looks huge here, but really, it's not that big. Although I like how the green in my eyes shows through.  Posted by Hello

2 days...

Well I finally got around to adding comments and such. I even got the neat trackback thing to. Although, I can't seem to remember where I got the cool weather thing or chatboard thing from. If anyone knows, let me know. Please. They were both really cool. Oh well, maybe one day I will stumble upon them.
Anyway, the review of Troy, as promised. I have seen it twice, I should really have my say about it. I liked the movie, I liked it so much that I forgive Eric Bana for the monstrosity that was the Hulk, and I only saw a few minutes of it. It was good, no wait, it was a great Hollywood production. It had everything. Love, death, guts and glory. I walked out of the movie both times feeling that I got what I paid for. One must remember that with movies like Troy and Lord of the Rings, and even to some extent, Harry Potter, Hollywood and its "people" are catering to the public that hasn't and most likely will never read these books. LOTR was good, and so was Troy, they remain quite faithful to the stories, there are bits they leave out, and people they create for dramatic effect, *cough cough* Brad Pitt's love affair in the movie was a nameless slave in the Iliad, who had absolutely no lines and very little mention at all. But, hey, it keeps the audience glued, mainly the pubescent teenage girls who squeal at the sight of Brad Pitt's ass. Although I am so very glad that Wolfgang Petersen keep Paris as the slimeball that he is, even though he does die...I'll let that pass. Overall, its an excellent movie, and I would recommend it to anyone. But don't take my word for it, here's an awesome review by Robert.
Now that that's over, as you can see if you've read any of the back posts, I don't usually post reviews. That's for mainly two reasons. One, I am a really critical person, and if I think about a movie too much, I tend to like it less and less. And the second reason is that in real life I talk fast, and when I'm on a roll, I can't seem to type what I mean fast enough, before I lose the train of though. Believe me, it makes typing an essay a big hassle, because I can't get what I want to say down fast enough, this is the same for paper I'm screwed equally.
Anyway, work all weekend, so I may not get to post for a while. I am also going out on Saturday, so I may post about that on Sunday.
Note: Someone wanna let me know how you work the trackback thing? And how do you reference a specific blog entry?

Tuesday, May 18, 2004


Crap, so I pick a new template and forget that I will lose everything I have done. Look for more changes and stuff to be fixed in the coming days. Now I'm off to see Troy again, I will review it tonight when it is fresh in my mind.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Lacking something witty to say...

Must tired. I will talk about Troy and other happenings tomorrow. Or maybe not. But most likely tomorrow.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Yay for Rupert...

Wow, that was a really long post, and I'm too lazy to look over it for errors...

Self Proclaimed Klutz

Oh my goodness, I leave Blogger for a week and there are all these changes. I was just starting to get used to the layout that was present before the changed it to this. Oh well, at least it will be interesting.
Why you ask have I not written in a week, well first of all, absolutely nothing has happened to me lately, all I've done is work, and slept. That's about it, I have a really mundane life. Another reason I haven't been writing lately is because every time I sit down at the computer and think about writing something, it almost feels like a chore. I really don't want my self to see this blog as a chore, more of a reflection of my life and feelings, and lately I haven't been in a writing mood. It may have to do with all the papers and stuff I had to write for school, my brain just started to collapse in on itself. But fear not, I am back now and looking forward to writing about the happenings to me. There should be more happenings soon, seeing as I will be 19, legal age here, so there will be many drunken and fun stories to tell, most probably involving me falling over somewhere or somehow.
I know this is late, mothers day being last week, but I really do love my mom. And I know everyone says it, but my mom is the best. Are yard looks awesome. My mother has the biggest green thumb ever, I on the other hand have a black thumb, even though I do like to muck about in the garden. My mom can take a plant that is near death, most likely my doing, and bring it back to life like nothing had ever happened. Yeah, my mom is that good. Our garden is always filled with flowers and neat little things. Even last summer, when my mom had just gotten out of the hospital in April, she still managed to do as much as she could. I like to think that our yard is her sanction. For those few hours a day, she is able to produce life and make it flourish. She can escape the fact that she may not see my brothers graduation, or ever see my wedding, and I know that she thinks and frets about these things all the time. My mother has Colon cancer, and it is with her every step of every day, and this garden is what helps her forget. She saw the Doctor a little while ago, and apparently the cancer has spread to her liver, which is not a good sign, even though the doctors refuse to say that. They actually think that her liver was the starting place of the cancer, and that it actually spread to her colon after. Nevertheless, it seems that she will have to have cemo therapy sometime soon, and I know that my mom thinks about it all the time. She questions whether or not she should have it, and I have heard her say, on one or more occasions that she would rather die peacefully that suffer cemo. Now I won't lie,, that thought scares the crap out of me. I don't want my mom to die, nobody does. Even now it makes me tear up thinking about the possibility of her not being here for me. We have never been that close to start off with, my mother always believe that she would be a parent now and a friend later, but now I'm afraid that she wont be there to ever be my friend. So mom, if you ever read this, which is not likely, because you are computer illiterate, just know that I love you, and never ever want you to give up hope. Keep fighting, like I know you can.
Just to keep with the depressing mood, I still haven't heard from Uppsala, and now I have pretty much given up all hope of going, which deep down is actually all right. I know this may sound like I'm trying to convince myself that I am okay with it, but I really am. I'm more sure of myself now, I like my job, I like the people I work with, I'm actually looking forward to going back to ANY school next year, I just want to learn. Come fall, if I am still here, I may or may not move out, we shall see. But now I'm just waiting to see where the chips fall.
Speaking of learning, I went to the library today. In Duncan, the renovated the old library, so now it looks really neat and futuristic. So after not having been to the library I decided on a whim to go. I get there, and all of a sudden realize that after four years of not being to the library, my card either doesn't work anymore, or I have a huge $200.00 fine. I decided to take my chances and talk to the lady at the counter. She checked my card, there was some apprehension. She then promptly informed me that my total fine, after something like 3 and a half years was...dun dun dun...wait for it....Forty cents. Yeah, forty stinking cents. I have no idea how in the world that happened, but I just went with it and paid it, not even wanting to question why it was so little. I am just going to be grateful to the gods that it was not a large sum. Now when I go to a library, any library, I generally have a rule that I can not take out any more books than I can carry. Now tonight I stuck with that rule. I only took out like 7 books, most of them hardcover. What can I say, I'm and innovative stacker. Now, this is not even the strange part. The strange part, and part that makes me look like the biggest geek ever, is the fact that all of my books are either history or literature books. The books I signed out include 3 different books on the legend of King Arthur, one on a medieval queen, two Shakespeare plays that I have always wanted to read (The Tempest and Twelfth Night), and last but not least a novel by Margaret Atwood that I had read a while ago, but really enjoyed. What can I say, I like to learn.
I finally got around to booking my road test so I can get my "real" license. I question whether or not I am going to pass or not. Don't get me wrong, I am a good driver, I just don't do everything up to ICBC standards. I still can not reverse stall or parallel park, and there are so many things that I don't bother to do, but know that I will need to in order to pass my test. I will have to do some major practicing this week on the days that I am not working.
Well I think that's it for now, I have to work tomorrow afternoon, and will post probably Saturday sometime, maybe before I go to see Troy.

Thursday, May 06, 2004


In sad news, the wife of my favorite high school math teacher passed away on the first of May. I feel really bad for Mr. Faught and his two daughters, who are a little younger than me, still in high school if I remember correctly. It's also sad because she was a elementary teacher, I think she taught kindergarten or grade 1, and her kids having to deal with that it will be hard for them to understand at that young an age. I really feel bad for Mr. Faught and his family and wish them all the best in these hard times to come.

Side Note: I also feel bad for the kids in Math 12 this term, he was the only teacher because Mr. Gergel was on sick leave, so now there are no teachers to help them with the provincial. I heard Kavon is helping out, and hopefully Erin will give them a hand at after school math practice, just so that these kids have a chance of passing the exam.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004


Well I got roped into working today....*grumble* but at least it's money, money that I need to either a) pay for my way to Sweden, or b) pay my way at's all about the education.....I guess working is not all that bad, at least I get to work with that new guy today...Glenn I think his name is.

Saw Aurora's baby last night, he's really cute. I have no doubt that she is going to be a great mother. I always had doubts, and I know that's mean of me to think like that, but it is Ro, but seeing her last night with Roman, it just seems natural. I wish her the best, and know that she will be an awesome mother.

I'll let you in on a secret, I love to drive. I love to just get into a car and drive, I could be going down the block, but still enjoy the ride. I love to open the window and crank the music and just go places. A lot of the classes I skipped were due to the fact that I was driving around Victoria and taking in the sites. When ever I am coming home, I always take the long way, just so I can have that few extra minutes in the car. This love also translates to other forms of transportation, including busses, I love to ride the bus, and on a few occasions I even took the bus somewhere because I wanted to see where it went....I like being in vehicle's that much.

I never feel like I look decent until I have done something with my hair. My hair is, in fact the only thing I think I have going for me. I have nice thick hair, that is finally back to its original color of brown, which I like at the moment, and its kinda straight when it wants to be. I could be wearing the crappiest outfit in the world, and if my hair looks okay, then I feel okay. I find it funny how much I've changed. When I first started high school I never wore makeup or did anything with my hair, or even bothered to care about my appearance. This attitude pretty much carried through my grade 10 year, and at grade 11 I kind of started to put some effort into what I looked like, the occasional application of makeup, at least I put contacts in everyday. In grade 12 I was better about it, I didn't do a lot with my hair, but I did wear makeup on most days and tried to care about what I looked like. Flash forward to today, I will not leave the house with out putting on makeup and blowdrying my hair. I almost have the need to make myself look somewhat decent. It's funny how much someone can change over the years.

We finally got our final grades back. I didn't do as well as I had hoped. I finished with a GPA of 3.90, which is a high C+, I wanted a B-, which is a 4.00, too bad they don't round up. Overall, I am quite happy with my grades, I finished medieval history with a B-, which, for my first year of university I don't think is too bad at all. It's unfortunate that it took me until the end of the school year to figure out that mind maps help me remember the information a lot better. If I can mind map out what I have learned and read, I remember the material a lot better than if I just read it from a text book. Oh well, at least I know for next year...

Monday, May 03, 2004

Mini vacation....yes!

Wow...been a while...I really hate working weekends all the time. Not only is it busy, but I can't go out and do anything because I have to work the next morning. So that's where my next three days come in...I get to party like it's...well, like before I had a job...anyone who really knows me will tell you this is complete bull shit, I don't and didn't usually party and even when I could party, I rarely did. Wow, if that last sentence made any sense to anyone, you really deserve a gold star, I don't think I understood it, and I was the one writing it...Well anyway, off to work for me I may or may not update later tonight, and who knows what will happen on my days off...