Wednesday, May 05, 2004


Well I got roped into working today....*grumble* but at least it's money, money that I need to either a) pay for my way to Sweden, or b) pay my way at's all about the education.....I guess working is not all that bad, at least I get to work with that new guy today...Glenn I think his name is.

Saw Aurora's baby last night, he's really cute. I have no doubt that she is going to be a great mother. I always had doubts, and I know that's mean of me to think like that, but it is Ro, but seeing her last night with Roman, it just seems natural. I wish her the best, and know that she will be an awesome mother.

I'll let you in on a secret, I love to drive. I love to just get into a car and drive, I could be going down the block, but still enjoy the ride. I love to open the window and crank the music and just go places. A lot of the classes I skipped were due to the fact that I was driving around Victoria and taking in the sites. When ever I am coming home, I always take the long way, just so I can have that few extra minutes in the car. This love also translates to other forms of transportation, including busses, I love to ride the bus, and on a few occasions I even took the bus somewhere because I wanted to see where it went....I like being in vehicle's that much.

I never feel like I look decent until I have done something with my hair. My hair is, in fact the only thing I think I have going for me. I have nice thick hair, that is finally back to its original color of brown, which I like at the moment, and its kinda straight when it wants to be. I could be wearing the crappiest outfit in the world, and if my hair looks okay, then I feel okay. I find it funny how much I've changed. When I first started high school I never wore makeup or did anything with my hair, or even bothered to care about my appearance. This attitude pretty much carried through my grade 10 year, and at grade 11 I kind of started to put some effort into what I looked like, the occasional application of makeup, at least I put contacts in everyday. In grade 12 I was better about it, I didn't do a lot with my hair, but I did wear makeup on most days and tried to care about what I looked like. Flash forward to today, I will not leave the house with out putting on makeup and blowdrying my hair. I almost have the need to make myself look somewhat decent. It's funny how much someone can change over the years.

We finally got our final grades back. I didn't do as well as I had hoped. I finished with a GPA of 3.90, which is a high C+, I wanted a B-, which is a 4.00, too bad they don't round up. Overall, I am quite happy with my grades, I finished medieval history with a B-, which, for my first year of university I don't think is too bad at all. It's unfortunate that it took me until the end of the school year to figure out that mind maps help me remember the information a lot better. If I can mind map out what I have learned and read, I remember the material a lot better than if I just read it from a text book. Oh well, at least I know for next year...