When you lose control you gotta go with it...
So I passed my driving test. Yay for me. All that parallel and reverse stall parking, and I didn't even need to do it. I don't know why I was so scared. The examiner was super nice, and all the test consisted of was driving around Duncan for 45 minutes, to make sure I can drive according to the rules. I didn't pass with flying colors or anything, I did make a few mistakes, but nothing major, and I passed so that's all that matters. The only sucky thing is that now I don't have photo ID for the next week. No lottery tickets for me. *Sigh* I want a scratch and win ticket.
Work is work. What can I say. I like work, I have a lot of fun. It's inventory time, which means it's super busy and there's lots of mindless work to do. Everything has to be in its right place, and have a UPC code, and have a matching label. So it's nice because it kills the time, and it has been somewhat slow, customer wise. Other than that work is going good, heard my male boss talk about his biological clock ticking away, which I thought was kinda funny, considering he's only in his late 20's. Spilt a huge amount of paint all down the paint counter this morning. That kinda sucked. But such is life. Cleaned it up and went on with the day.
I had all intentions of going to my friend Jenny's birthday party tonight, as a matter of fact I was looking forward to it this morning, except I'm so tired. Like can't keep eyes open tired. But I know that if I go to bed now, I will be up at 3 in the morning trying to fall back asleep. I had forgotten how much work actually takes out of you. The annoying this is that it makes me so tired that I rarely want to do anything, I just want to come home and sleep. *Sigh* And I have to work tomorrow at 8:45am. I guess I better go to bed soon.
So Jenny, if you read this, I had all intentions of coming to your party tonight, but unless you want me to A) fall asleep at the wheel and drive off the road and kill myself, or B) fall asleep at your party and be boring, I can't come. So there. Now that we are both legal, we need to go to a real bar, and have real drinks, not crappy ones that we make ourselves in the kitchen.
Well, even thought its 7:00pm, it's off to bed for me. I need to kinda be awake tomorrow, considering all the bosses are in every day now, it would suck to get fired.
P.S. Still no word from Uppsala. I am really not wanting to go now, now I want to stay here and work and take some really cool classes with Dr. Hasskett this fall. But we will have to see what happens. I have a feeling that I won't be able to get a visa anyway. They only give out a certain number per year, and I think that my application will be in way to late to even be considered.
Speaking of Uppsala, I had my Tea Leaves read on Thursday, it was a birthday present from my Aunt. It's scary how accurate they actually are. But apparently I will go places with my Medieval History degree, and I shouldn't let anyone persuade me from doing what I love. I am apparently one of the few lucky ones to have found my passion for life so early on. My passion is indeed learning, and Medieval History.
Well that's all for now, maybe I'll tell you some more tomorrow, or maybe not.