Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Play by boring play

Well I have a long list of things to write about, but let me just give you a recap of my boring, work filled weekend.
What happened Friday, oh right it was good Friday, and I got to work the day shift. IT WAS INSANE. It was so busy, and I'm not joking. I worked non stop that entire day. But hey it's money, I can't complain about that. I got home at about 4:00pm, slept till around midnight, watched TV for a while, then went back to bed and slept until noon the next day. God I love this.
Slept some more, then helped out in the yard. Dragged myself to work at 4:30 only to find that low and behold, Eric, the guy who works in sports called in sick, so I was in charge of sports and
hardware. This would normally be okay, except I haven't been taught how to use a until (even though I know how to use one). So everytime I had to ring something up, like a fishing license, I would have to call the girl from pets to come and do it. She didn't seem to happy after I called her for something like the 50th time. Anyway, that was Saturday nights shift.
Well I had the day off! Yay, so we did the Easter basket thing, God I love my mom. Then we had guests over for Turkey dinner. Get ready for it, dun dun dun....I ate meat. Yeah, and I liked it. So there. But I did last over 2 months, which is not to shabby. I don't plan on going back to eating lots of meat, just the odd piece here and there when I feel like it. But the not eating meat thing was good while it lasted.
Monday and Tuesday
These day's I figure I can blend into one, considering I did nothing. I slept and laid in bed reading my novel, or watching TV. Now that I've mentioned my novel, I shall talk a little about it. I am reading the Mists of Avalon. Its a really neat perspective on the whole Arthurian time frame and rule. I look forward to reading the other books, and have a hard time putting this one down, even when I know I should be studying for my exams.
Anyway, I am now off to study for Philosophy with Justin, so I can at least pass this course. Philosophy is fun and all, but kind of boring when you have to study it in a class room setting.